The Wonder Book of Ships

I found this fab book recently - it is "The Wonder Book of Ships" probably from around the 1950s.

It is full of interesting information and a few colour plates - I absolutely love it!

I also found this little tin - modern (and only 70p), but I thought that its colours went really well with my nautical theme and has some lovely little pictures on it.

Love, Liz
I'm joining in at Flea Market Finds and looking forward to seeing your great bargains this week.


Sarah Jane said…
What a charming book. I love old books like this, especially children's annuals from the 50's - 70's x
blackenpot said…
Absolutely lovely finds Liz! Enjoy your sunday.
Rachael said…
Such a delightful little book, great find!
vintage grey said…
What a lovely and charming book!! Such great finds!! Have a great day! xo Heather
Little Nell said…
Nautical but nice Liz! That's a really interesting find. It reminds me of a book we once had, from my husband's boyhood; 'The Dumpy Book of Shops and the Sea".
Mum said…
I bet it's full of interesting facts and figures. The colours are exactly the same as the ones on the tea cosy and tin - lovely pic.
Love from Mum
Scarlet said…
I love the front cover of the book - it reminds me of seeing the QE2 when I was a child.
That book is full of lovely colors. Navy and yellow...I could go on and on. Love your tea cozy. Smiles...Renee
Kylie said…
Beautiful book Liz, and I love your stylin in the top photo x
kit and nancy. said…
i am loving this ship theme! the book is completely lovely but my favourite is the tin for 70p! nice. xx
Oh my Hubby would love that book being such a ship lover. Great finds! Xx
orchid0324 said…
Dearest Liz,
Oh, wonderful finding again♪♪♪ 
And it sure is a lovely match with your nautical theme♡♡♡ My husband loves the ships and wondered sounds intriguing. He made a big plastic model famous ship when young. he said it fell and broken p;)

Thank you for your lovely comment and and good to know your experience.

Love you always from Japan, xoxo Miyako*
Unknown said…
Lovely, its always a great feeling when you find something you love. Enjoy it, dee x
ted and bunny said…
ahoy there Liz!

Funny isn't it how once you spot one thing, a theme starts up in your mind...and suddenly you've got a collection!

Have a good week
Little Nell said…
I meant SHIPS and the Sea of course, my mind must have been on retail therapy :)
I love nautical themes too! Neat old book. One of my great pleasures is knocking around in thrift shops for treasure. You too, obviously. Hope you're having a fine spring!
Paulette said…
What a great book. I just love looking at the wonderful illustrations in vintage books.
Ruth Kelly said…
Very cute little book, Liz. The picture of the ship is magnificent.
Catherine said…
What a great collection of nauticalness. I love how so many children's books of the era were titled with Wonder...& the colours were always so lovely. Much love Catherine x
gillyflower said…
What a wonderful book that must have been to the young owner when new!
Love the little ship tin with its look of an old oil painting.Great finds as usual!

Gill xx

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