Random Knitted Scarf

I'm pleased with the way this scarf turned out.  Used up some bits and pieces from my wool stash - just randomly added colours and different yarns.

Popped in a few different stitches as the mood took me.

Decided to just knit little tweaky (is that even a word?) bits for the ends - and this is the result.

Looks good with my cream winter jacket.

Love, Liz

Really glad January is over!


Scarlet said…
I love it - a one off piece created by using up odds and ends - that's my kind of project!
Anonymous said…
The scarf is lovely. I like the way you did the fringe.
Emma Breadstill said…
This is lovely, Liz. Looks nice and cosy. I'm also glad January is behind us, can't wait for warm weather. It's freezing here at the moment, must be even colder where you are. By the way, I like your new look at the top xxx
Suzy said…
Love your scarf and your blog! I am a new follower and have enjoyed reading about your vintage finds! Thanks for sharing!
Rachael said…
Love how you've knitted the tassel bits at the end of the scarf!
what a great color combination!!
blackenpot said…
Nice scarf, good to be able to use the bits and pieces, and the fringe is a good idea.
I,m pleased january is over too, but we can still have a very harsh time ahead of us here in Norway. Today is absolutely freezing.

Enjoy your wednesday.
Mum said…
I can't waste any bits of wool either. Very creative.
Love from Mum
Tina said…
Loving your scarf. Looks so cosy and warm. :)
gillyflower said…
Love the warm neutral colours and interesting yarns you've used here - it looks very warm and cosy, and has used up your bits and bobs - perfect!
claire said…
that looks cosy and the colours are very me!
June said…
Love the scarf! It will come in handy during the cold spell we're having!
Paulette said…
Looks nice and warm for cold windy days, and it's very pretty.
Jelly Jam said…
Think 'tweaky' is the perfect word for those bits!
Ruth Kelly said…
It reminds me of the Dr. Who scarf - my daughter wants one.
sky-blu-pink said…
Lovely scarf! it looks really individual and quirky - love the tweaky ends!
Hi Liz,
Great job with this scarf. I love the "tweaky" fringe. Love the colors and it looks cozy too.
Well done : )

haizi daizi said…
Good morning Liz ~ it's gorgeous! the colours are perfectly matched and I really like the different stitches that you've used. There is always something so satifying about finishing up any odd bits of wool. Just what you need given the freezing cold weather we're having at the moment. I look forward to seeing a crocheted one next ~ lol!Wishing you a happy Thursday ~ Haizi
Tracy Glover said…
Ooo! How gorgeous, you are clever.
I tried to comment before, but I think it didn't work. I love your dresser. You have some lovely exciting vintage china, swoon.
I love the Burns epitaph. Your old book looks a lot like one my other half has.
I heard a programme about Burns on the radio recently and it siad he was a bit of a womaniser. He certainly did sound like a character.
I am a new follower too! xxx
Hey Liz....!

THANKS so much for popping by Love....!!

Your scarf looks DELICIOUS....I'm a TAD GREEN with envy at your knitting skills....I never learnt I'm afraid....I've fantasized every so often of a time where I get to do all those WONDERFUL things I've been 'putting off'....**sigh**....!!

Enjoy your weekend won't you....!!

Cheers from Oz,
Tamarah :o)
Tea at Weasel's said…
Hi there! Thank you so much for coming to visit my blog and leaving such a lovely comment! love your knitted scarf... the random stripes and the little tassels are really cute! The colours are fab too!

I am following your lovely blog now too :) hope you pop by again soon

Louise xx

Pomona said…
Lovely scarf! And I feel just the same way about January too. Hope you have a good weekend.

Pomona x
Heidi said…
Wow...Liz, I love it! I am totally impressed and it looks so designer chic. I wish I could knit but have my hands full with adding crocheting to stitching, quilting and bobbinlace making. :-)

Did you get cold and snow this past week? You do need the weather to now wear this beauty.

Hugs from Holland ~

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