On My Travels

Had a lovely weekend down in Harrogate meeting up with Son#1and his wife.  Had lunch at Betty's and a wander round all the great wee shops.  However, this notice in the British Heart Foundation books and music shop caught my eye!  I can understand why more stock of winter clothes and boots would be needed, but books and music????  Made me smile!

On Sunday we went to Skipton - what a great wee town.  Some fantastic shops - especially Emma's Apothecary and Homestore - one of the prettiest little shops I've ever been in - full of lovely things displayed perfectly!  Disappointed that Birdcage was closed, looked like my kind of place - all vintage and handmade gorgeousness!

Now back at home, I went on my usual Tuesday trawl through the local charity shops.  One of them had been shut for a few weeks and I discovered that it had been given a makeover - so had the prices!!!  Everything is now colour co-ordinated.  It used to be the kind of shop you could have a good rummage in and never knew what you would find - oh well, progress!

Love, Liz


Scarlet said…
The same happened to one of my favourite charity shops. It was a small independent one that had boxes and baskets you could rummage through, lots of linen, wool, all kinds of things. Now there are no boxes or baskets, no linens or wool, and very little bric a brac - just a few, what they deem to be, select pieces with expensive prices. There's nothing really ' old' in there. They must think nobody wants to buy ' old' things - how little they really know.It feels more like a boutique now - the odd item displayed on a shelf, hand knitted scarves at £14.99 each, the odd piece of jewellery elegantly draped. I don't even bother going in there anymore.
Rachael said…
O I never knew the British Heart Foundation had separate Book/Music shops like Oxfam did. Hope they don't tend to be as over priced though?!
bellaboo said…
I hate it when the CS do these makeovers and then charge over the top prices for things people have donated.What a shame that has happened to yours,I hope you discover another one,where you can rummage to your hearts content! :0)
bellaboo said…
...meant to say..I LOVE your lamp makeover! :0)
Rubye Jack said…
When they start color coordinating, you know it is time to move on. It's so funny how many great thrift shops want to become boutiques and start raising their prices until no one wants to shop there any longer.
Jelly Jam said…
How funny. Perhaps there are people in desperate need of new reading and listening matter? Perhaps they are people cooped up listening to Barry Manilow and reading Barabara Cartland (my idea of hell not everyone's I'm sure), who know?
I guess people need entertainment when the flood waters are rising and the hatches have been battened down against the gales!
Little Nell said…
One size appeal poster fits all I think; pity someone didn't have the gumption to cut off the second half of the flyer! It's a shame when CS become boutiques with matching prices.
June said…
A lot of charity shops are having these makeovers and charging ridiculous prices! The only good buys these days seem to be the books!
Ruth Kelly said…
Wee shops sound like so much fun to visit. I wish we had more of them here.
claire said…
oh i want to go back to Harrogate! And Skipton! Must visit Grannie soon and take a trip!
Liz it does take me a while to wake up to a wonderful blog. I apologize for not getting here sooner. It is amazingly gorgeous. I cannot wait to back and read your beautiful posts...smiles...Renee
because so many people wants vintage items, is why shops are repricing things to a bigger price.
Our Goodwill use to be like a quarter for a shirt and now it's $4.00 up to $12.

love how you fixed up your floor lamp and I love your china cabinet painted white
Jem said…
It sounds like you had such a lovely time, Harrogate is so gorgeous! I've noticed the 'due to severe weather' donation requests in most BHF shops. I'm wondering how the weather affects donations too much!

Jem xXx
Scarlett said…
Ive seen a few charity shops do the whole 'books and music store' - no where near as fun. Scarlett x
Harrogate is a great place, loads of nice shops, we used to go quite a lot when we lived in Cumbria and Skipton, Birdcage must be a new one. Julie xxx
Claire said…
Oh don't you hate it when they turn charity shops into boutiques.......up go the prices, everything is colour co-ordinated and has been picked over with a fine tooth comb. No hidden treasures to unearth and that's half the fun....

Sounds like you had a lovely time away.....lunch at Betty's too, yum...

Claire :}
Mary Lea said…
Oh...I want to go to Harrogate again!!! Was there for a music festival in the late '80's...had a marvelous time! Still remember a scrumptious tea at Betty's! Also remember the Oxfam shops...and how you could find bone china in the thrift shops (have a hard time doing that around here...not so many people have (had) china!!

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